
March 2020 was an unforgettable month for most people. For me, I was working at a catering company as the catering coordinator and I walked into work as usual not knowing it was my last day. Because I was in the catering industry it no longer made sense for me to stay because of Covid-19 and the ban of gathering in large groups.

Due to work being scarce, I decided to start a street taco delivery business. For the next few months, I sold pre-portioned smoked meat taco boxes which people could pre-order in advance and quickly assemble at home for lunch or dinner. Each box packaged with twelve street tacos, a variety of toppings and condiments. It was great! I got to do something I enjoyed every day and it made people happy. Three months into my NEW business I saw some success and began to think how I could expand this opportunity.

Thinking back on all the amazing opportunities I’ve been fortunate enough to experience, for example my first job at 16 years old washing dishes at a catering company, having the opportunity to mentor and work with middle school and high school students as a youth pastor. Also, I worked for Nordstrom, Push Pay in sales, and of course mowing lawns/handy man for anyone who would hire me.

I’ve always been fascinated by the idea of owning a food truck, but it wasn’t until the year of 2020 I felt the push to do what I love. Thanks mom, dad, and grandma! I did a lot of research, talked with restaurants and food truck owners and read all the requirements (I thought) for owning a food truck. There are no words how excited I am to announce I bought a food truck, and I am nearly ready to hit the road.

I’ve learned a lot within the last year about myself and the success I for see for myself and the determination it takes to go all in on yourself. Every morning I write down my targets and goals for the day. Sometimes hitting them and sometimes not... I’ve learned to keep my head up when things don’t go to plan and take it one day at a time. One of my great strengths is establishing relationships with people. I love getting to know people, helping them and being part of their lives. It’s amazing to me how many of my different relationships have provided insight, help, and guidance for me on this journey. People have been so wonderful and believe in my dreams and have supported me to start this business. Thank You!